What is semi permanent makeup?

Semi-permanent make-up is a cosmetic form of tattooing, using computerised technology. Pharmaceutical grade pigments are ‘tattooed’ into the dermis of the skin to define lips, eyes, and brows.

Semi-permanent make-up is ideal for anyone wanting to look good and feel confident in themselves and their appearance.

Working with all ages, semi-permanent make-up has proven to be effective, enhancing your features and creating a fresh, subtle and youthful look.

Is it painful?

There is usually minimal discomfort. A topical anesthetic is applied half an hour before your treatment and is applied throughout to ensure comfort. I have had clients fall asleep – yes this is true! However, people have different pain thresholds and certain times of women’s cycles can affect the pain.

What is the healing period like?

This depends on the area you have treated and can vary client to client. Often with eyebrows there is no swelling, but for eyes and lips swelling can occur during your treatment and for 24-72 hours after the treatment. During this time the pigment area may look darker then what you decided on. The treated area will form a light crust and start to flake away 3-4 days after your procedure. Once the crust flakes off, it is common for the colour to lighten by approximately 30-50%.

How long will it last?

The pigment will gradually fade over time, 2-3 years is normal, however each individual will react differently. There are many contributory factors to consider, clients skin type, choice of colour and sun exposure. A top-up is recommended every 12-18 months.

How long is the procedure?

Treatment times vary depending on your chosen procedure and whether it is your first treatment or top-up. When booking your appointment, we can let you know how much time is required.

What if fashion changes?

The idea is to enhance your natural features rather then change them. Colours are chosen to compliment your skin tone, hair and eye colour. Colours can be intensified or changed at any time, if you chose to make that decision.